Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer meal

i've been meaning to participate in this weekly carnival and even though tuesday's almost done and kids are finally sleeping, i still want to remember a moment with my boys:
fresh, summer-sweet corn on the cob, butter and too much salt dripping down faces and oldest's delight in this new flavor. a creamed potato recipe i grew up eating, with those summer black eyed peas and yellow-milk ears, this was a summer meal remembered and prepared in love for my growing boys. and while babe eats only mashy things and middle blonde one eats nothing, oldest with the curls eats every last bite of kernel love.

to share or read more about quiet gifts, please visit chatting at the sky

tuesdays unwrapped at cats

1 comment:

Kim said...

I stumbled over via Chatting at the Sky and admired the broken vase. Summer meals are the best!