Monday, June 21, 2010

Beginning to count

i coyly give him his gift two nights ago; he, with little-boy joy, claps and smiles and embraces with big-boy arms. he is the best daddy for our family, truly a man who loves his calling as father, and i love him so much.

- tickets to see FC dallas and inter milan
-for a husband who was meant to be a daddy
-for three little boys to make us both parents in grace

he'll be gone all week, so we will hide our missing him in being out of the house more than usual and visit fun places.
today we fed ducks with the muffins meant for this morning's breakfast, only i forgot to mix in the sugar and they were slightly inedible!

- for laughter at self
- and little boy giggles at mama's yucky face
- for ducks and turtles to eat carrot muffins sans sucre
- for the adjacent park and little boy sweat running down, faces all hot and red
- and the sleep that results soon after lunch and quiet
- the majesty of a heron, it quieted my soul, and i even got the oldest to stop clod-hopping for a moment so we could draw near

-for a phone call with my mom, as we figure things out.

to share as others count their way, join the gratitude community at holy experience.

holy experience


suzannah | the smitten word said...

how funny that we both started today:)

i have the same plan of attack to fill daddy's absence with time outside and special trips. it does seem to work a bit.

grace and peace to you and your little ones this week

Mommy Emily said...

yay for muffins without sugar and for heart-stilling-herons! beautiful.

Jenny said...

Fun list! I looked through several other posts in your blog - you have strong stories that display truth and beauty that is to be admired. (coming over from The Gratitude Community)