Tuesday, August 3, 2010


i heard the plinking and dinging
and wondered, but didn't go
heard shuffling and rustling
thought i should check it out
and found
little monkey
all blue eyes and
yellow hair
sitting on counter
he found the bag of
secret candy

he cried seeing me spy him

i would have been angry
and snapped
and crunched little boy fear
into pinking skin

i said, "shhhh.
would you like some candy in a little bowl?
why don't you get down from here
and let's clean up
this little mess,
here, now, don't cry."

and i smiled
over tussled hair,
arms wrapped tight around
little boy

and i know that
i'm loved just like this.

linking up with suzannah today. join us?

so much shouting, so much laughter


Unknown said...

Love this!

Unknown said...

love it! sometimes it's hard as a mommy to balance in enough grace, as too often the focus is on teaching discipline. but grace is what overwhelms the heart to not fear. grace is what brought each of us out of the grave. very nice.

suzannah | the smitten word said...

i love this story and the idea of God doing the same:)

Mommy Emily said...

this is so fun!