Friday, April 16, 2010

grace, again

today the babe has cried long and hard, and so has this tired mama. i'm touched out, wanted out, and above all, harsh word-ed out. washing dishes to the smell of these irises found wild in a field near our home (and bluebonnets from our outing the other day), folding laundry to the tune of one-too-many cartoons, and heating leftovers with a tired sigh; this has been my day. and then i read these kind words reminding me Grace really is the glue holding all our broken pieces together.

1 comment:

Sarah Bessey said...

I read that and cried. Cried again, re-reading it today. Your phrase "harsh word-ed out" is right on. Grace is holding us all, and it all, together. Grace for you, sister.