Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to learn at home

it's been one full week, this new addition to our life, us just trying to find a rhythm. shea and i had our first week of kindergarten, him not sent off with backpack in tow and bright yellow schoolbuses...just another pop-tart on the couch while i nursed owen and the tv was left on a little too long. i always thought i wanted to homeschool, but i was filled with fear and worry that i'd do it badly. i kept saying to myself, "if i'd just get started...."

mama, teach me!
his words, unprompted.
me: fears beginning to quell, heart humbled.
Yes, LORD, teach me, too!

mama, what will we learn about today?

shea is so eager to work every day (he even wanted to work on saturday; i put my foot down on sunday to prepare for the new week!). this is where i must fall to my knees to remember that teaching everything is teaching nothing if not about the Lord. we see skies, we breathe air, we wear our provisions in tummies full and bodies warm, and these are the things i must learn anew, teach fresh: to see rightly the world (fallen) through the lens of Creator-Savior.

teach me, Abba!

too long since i've voiced my gratitude. resuming with the gratitude community:

301. for living in a country that allows me to teach my children at home
302. for the comrade-in-arms i have with brownie, also homeschooling this year
303. for husband willing to support this new adventure
304. for four children, truly a blessing from God
305. for the occasional naps that owen has taken not in my lap so i could get things done
306. for all the naps that owen takes on my lap because this time is so fleeting and i could hold him forever
307. for shea's willing and eagerness to learn with mama
308. that we had a successful first week (and can judge success on our own standards)
309. for learning to let go the things i have less control of (ongoing!)
310. our memory verse: and what does the lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your god? micah 6:8


Leslie said...

If I could do ONE thing over about home schooling, it would be to RELAX, especially in those early years. ESPECIALLY kindergarten. You can learn SO much through simply reading good children's books that interest him, painting/drawing together, making calendars once a month that he can decorate and help with the numbers, etc. There used to be a great homeschool curriculum called, "Five in a Row." (if i still had mine, i'd send it to you in a heartbeat.) Basically, you focus on one children's book each week (five days in a row), and depending on the theme of the book, you do art, or math, or science or geography, etc (kindergarten level, of course!) If you're interested, I'm sure you could look into it online. This is something you could easily do yourself, with local library books. Just make a list of books on subjects he likes, and read the book together each day, then do a little activity afterward, based on the story or theme of the book.

ENJOY THIS! and relax. you'll be a great teacher.

Merri said...

Thanks, Misty.

Christina said...

"teaching everything is teaching nothing if not of the Lord." a great reminder for me as this is my first year homeschooling. Enjoyed visiting and reading your list!

miriam said...

I know that fear too! I should shoo it away and just realize everything I do is an opportunity to teach. I am the example after all :) I have thought about doing something like five in a row! Need a good list of books (or make my own) and voila' :) But so far I've been to unsure to even start it up. It's part I feeling I have to have a 'better idea/schedule/plan' and part that just fear of not doing it good enough, perhaps not liking it...Yet deep inside I know that truth, and the truth is fear is not of the Lord!