Monday, April 25, 2011

Windows and resurrection

i asked for his help--i could tell he was waiting up for me, and task-oriented, i was trying to hurry through just the next few steps to a "good" quitting point. we laughed at my non-spatially wired brain and the fact that my method had prolonged my measuring and cutting the fabric. i asked if he'd help cut the last few strips with me; two pairs of scissors staring at me ready, and only at the end of the night had i thought to ask for his help. giving instructions to cut on this line, leave that fabric there, we snipped side by side and wordless, til hesitantly i asked, "i hope you don't mind this menial domestic work?" in all his hazel seriousness he replied, "why would i? it gives me a window into your world." it's been almost seven years since we first met, and he still takes my breath away with how profoundly he loves me. when do i take the time to so casually and intensely whisk away the curtains of our everyday to see him so present in his world, too?

on a post-Easter monday, it's so clear to see the Groom analogy for He lived and died so thoroughly in our world so that we might yet live in His. my breath forces exhale in unspent worship at the magnitude of grace, the curtains rent so that we may Live.


Rachel said...

Also worshiping him in his grace, beautiful words, may you have a blessed week.

Rachel said...

Also worshiping him in his grace, beautiful words, may you have a blessed week.

Leslie said...

oh, you really got me with this one. thank you for this beautiful analogy...

miriam said...

I enjoy reading your posts Misty. Especially this last one about 'windows' into another's world. I pray you had a wonderful, peaceful and joyful Resurrection Day and anticipating new life, both within you and from within the womb :) Love,

Mommy Emily said...

it gives me a window into your world....

oh, that we would always see it this way.