week two segued with M /m/ Moon: I am the light of the world. flashlights and mirrors may not have honed the concept in a week, but the boys loved the light saber aspect plenty.
a semester since those early weeks, and we have more or less found our daily rhythm (well, i try, anyway) or at least accepted what happens (or not). i teach these lessons, some more prepared than others, some more obviously understood, and this week's H /h/ Horse teaches I will obey right away.
except i don't, always. and i asked shea if he did, and he said no, not always. we are so alike, he and i.
we took a break for late evening errands, and the sun had already pinked its way to purple shadows, and we drove the long way down ivy instead of around it, bump-bump-bumping over speed bumps and stopping every other crossing at the red hexagon commands. (we obey traffic laws under their pretense of protection. and our father who gives good gifts to his children, does he not provide ultimate safety?) thudding over last speed bump and stop-crossing through the last stop sign, the rest of the road should have been straight and smooth, but we stopped again at the uncovered man-hole, surrounded by those wooden hinged a-frames with reflectors at the top. shea wanted to know why a red light was shining at us, and i explained to him it was a reflector bouncing my headlights back toward us. with no hesitation he responded, "so our headlights are like Jesus, and we're like the reklector, right, mama?"
my heart squeezed ever so tightly as i take in all the bigness of his question and understanding of our weeks-ago lessons, and i say, "yes, baby, just like that."
linking for the first time in months to a place near to my heart, at emily's imperfect prose w/ others.

Now I will forever have the great imagery of headlights and reflectors and Jesus.
And a little child shall lead them...
So beautiful. Children see so much more clearly than we do, don't they?
ahhh.. those moments when you know, this homeschool thing works... what an out of the mouth of babes moment :)
visiting from imperfect prose
Soooo sweet! We're working our way through the letters, too. You're always such blessing, Misty.
these are the moments that make all of the other ones worth it. so good to see you at IP, misty! xo
How beautiful, how radiant. I love reading your writing style, the overflow of your momma's heart. This makes me smile so wide. Precious child of yours. Great meeting you too. I am hopping over from IP. Great to see you there and so nice to 'meet' you. I love reading tales of homeschooling. This one is so tender.
"reklector" Oh my that was perfect!I want to be one.
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